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Marc Watterson

Director – Office of Primary Care and Rural Health

Marc Watterson

Marc Watterson joined the Department of Health as their Director of Legislative Affairs in December of 2020 and was later appointed to the same role in the consolidated Department of Health and Human Services. He was appointed director of the Office of Primary Care and Rural Health in 2023. Marc received both his undergraduate (2011)and Master’s in Public Administration (2024). Marc has extensive experience in government relations and health policy. Prior to joining the Department he served as the Utah Director of Government Relations for the American Heart Association for nearly eight years. Marc worked tirelessly in that role to help reduce tobacco use among youth, advocate for safer routes for children to walk to and from school, and work with healthcare systems across the state to improve access and care for heart attack and stroke victims.
Breakout Session:

Blazing Trails – Presenting the Utah Rural Health Plan